What is '....mania'?

 The word ‘mania’ stands for an excessive enthusiasm or desire for something. Most of us suffer from some obsession or the other, but we might not have the word to describe 'our obsessions'. In this article, we explore some extreme reactions, irrational kinds of beliefs and actions, and words to help you boost your vocabulary.

The lists are arranged in the alphabetical order of words. Each list discusses around 20-40 types of manias found in people. Explore the lists and see if any one of these matches with your obsessions.
Types of Manias – 1
Manias starting with letters A, B, C, D
AblutomaniaMania for washing oneself
AboulomaniaPathological indecisiveness
AgromaniaIntense desire to be in open spaces
AnglomaniaCraze or obsession with England and the English
AnthomaniaObsession with flowers
AphrodisiomaniaAbnormal sexual interest
ArithmomaniaObsessive preoccupation with numbers
BalletomaniaAbnormal fondness for ballet
BibliomaniaCraze for books or reading
BruxomaniaCompulsion for grinding teeth
CacodemomaniaPathological belief that one is inhabited by an evil spirit
CatapedamaniaObsession with jumping from high places
ChinamaniaObsession with collecting china
ChoreomaniaDancing mania or frenzy
ClinomaniaExcessive desire to stay in bed
CopromaniaObsession with feces
DacnomaniaObsession with killing
DemonomaniaPathological belief that one is possessed by demons
DinomaniaMania for dancing
DipsomaniaAbnormal craving for alcohol
DiscomaniaObsession for disco music
DoramaniaObsession with owning furs
DoromaniaObsession with giving gifts
DrapetomaniaIntense desire to run away from home
DromomaniaCompulsive longing for travel
Types of Manias – 2
Manias starting with letters E, F, G, H
EcdemomaniaAbnormal compulsion for wandering
EgomaniaIrrational self-centered attitude or self-worship
EleutheromaniaManic desire for freedom
EmpleomaniaMania for holding public office
EnosimaniaPathological belief that one has sinned
EntheomaniaAbnormal belief that one is divinely inspired
EpomaniaCraze for writing epics
ErgasiomaniaExcessive desire to work; ergomania; workaholism
ErotomaniaAbnormally powerful sex drive
EtheromaniaCraving for ether
EthnomaniaObsessive devotion to one's own people
EulogomaniaObsessive craze for eulogies
FlagellomaniaAbnormal enthusiasm for flogging
FlorimaniaCraze for flowers
FrancomaniaCraze or obsession with France and the French
GallomaniaCraze or obsession with France and the French
GamomaniaObsession with issuing odd marriage proposals
GraecomaniaObsession with Greece and the Greeks; hellenomania
GraphomaniaObsession with writing
GynaecomaniaAbnormal sexual obsession with women
HabromaniaInsanity featuring cheerful delusions
HagiomaniaMania for sainthood
HexametromaniaMania for writing in hexameter
HieromaniaPathological religious visions or delusions
HippomaniaObsession with horses
HydromaniaIrrational craving for water
HylomaniaExcessive tendency towards materialism
HypermaniaSevere mania
HypomaniaMinor mania
Types of Manias – 3
Manias starting with letters from I-N
IconomaniaObsession with icons or portraits
IdolomaniaObsession or devotion to idols
InfomaniaExcessive devotion to accumulating facts
IslomaniaCraze or obsession for islands
ItalomaniaObsession with Italy or Italians
KleptomaniaIrrational predilection for stealing
LogomaniaPathological loquacity
LypemaniaExtreme pathological mournfulness
MacromaniaDelusion that objects are larger than natural size
MegalomaniaAbnormal tendency towards grand or grandiose behaviour
MelomaniaCraze for music
MethomaniaMorbid craving for alcohol
MetromaniaInsatiable desire for writing verse
MicromaniaPathological self-deprecation or belief that one is very small
MonomaniaAbnormal obsession with a single thought or idea
MorphinomaniaHabitual craving or desire for morphine
MusomaniaObsession with music
MythomaniaLying or exaggerating to an abnormal extent
NarcomaniaUncontrollable craving for narcotics
NecromaniaSexual obsession with dead bodies; necrophilia
NosomaniaDelusion of suffering from a disease
NostomaniaAbnormal desire to go back to familiar places
NymphomaniaExcessive or crazed sexual desire


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