Advanced Vocab.....3


Let’s get warmed up
Aspirants: An ambitious and aspiring young person
There are more than two hundred thousand CAT aspirants that appear for the exam every year.
Brash: Offensively bold
A brash newcomer flouted the rules of the club.
Concur: Be in accord, be in agreement
The policemen concurred with the Mayor on the issue of prevention of crime.
Condolence: An expression of sympathy with another's grief
They sent their condolences on her mother’s death.
Culprit: Someone who perpetrates wrongdoing
The culprit was caught while running from the scene of the crime.
Ethics: Motivation based on ideas of right and wrong
The medical ethics did not allow him to operate.
Frenzy: State of violent mental agitation
There was frenzied activity outside the castle.
Incongruous: Lacking in harmony
His joke was incongruous with polite conversation.
Ominous: Threatening/Presaging ill fortune
A dead and ominous silence prevailed after the storm.


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