Advanced Vocab......1


 Let’s get warmed up
Adverse: Contrary to your interests or welfare
Her adverse circumstances made her more determined to fight.
Advocate: Push for something
The doctor advocated a ban on smoking in the whole hospital.
Asset: A useful or valuable quality
His perseverance proved a valuable asset in getting the contract.
Desist: Choose not to consume
He desisted from eating red meat.
Elusive: Difficult to describe
An elusive fragrance emanated from the flowers.
Frustrate: Hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of
She felt frustrated when her efforts yielded no result.
Ineffectual: Not producing an intended effect
The water therapy proved ineffectual.
Interject: To insert between other elements
She interjected clever remarks in her conversation.
Respite: A (temporary) relief from harm or discomfort
In spite of the sun shine there was no respite from the cold.
Scrutinize: To look at critically or searchingly, or in minute detail
He scrutinized the documents carefully before replying.
Solicit: To seek to obtain by persuasion, entreaty
The priest keeps soliciting money for various charities.
Venom: Toxin/poison secreted by animals
Snake venom is very poisonous.


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