Advanced Vocab...2


Let’s get warmed up
Affluent : Plentiful; abundant/ having an abundance of wealth
The affluent banker had a lot of respect in the city.
Arbitrary: Based on or subject to individual discretion, at times without preference to reasoning
The diet imposes daily intake of calories but the daily menu is arbitrary.
Discern: Detect with the senses
The fragrance was discernable by its exclusivity.
Dubious: Fraught with uncertainty or doubt
They agreed to my arguments but remained dubious.
Feasible: Capable of being done with means at hand
The project was feasible as they had the necessary know-how.
Fiasco: A sudden and violent collapse
The function turned into a fiasco due to the rain.
Harass: Annoy continually or chronically
The army commandant harassed his battalion.
Jurisdiction: In law; the territory within which power can be exercised
The jurisdiction of the court is fixed according to the district.
Oust: Remove from a position or office
The chairperson was ousted after he misappropriated funds.
Revert: Go back to a previous state
We reverted to the old policies of the company and choose to do things as our boss told us to do so.
Terminate: Bring to an end or halt
An official accused of dishonesty should be terminated immediately.


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