Advance Vocab....4


Backpedal: Modify one's opinion, make it less strong
Politicians generally find it hard to backpedal on their publicly stated positions.
Compound: Add or increase
Strong winds compounded the difficulties of the fire-fighters.
Caustic: Harsh or corrosive in tone
He heaped caustic comments on his opponents.
Voracious: Very Greedy
Ram is a voracious shopkeeper who over-charges all his clients.
Indiscriminate: Not making or based on careful distinctions
The indiscriminate marking by the teacher led to the failure of a number of students.
Eminent: Of high rank or importance
Some eminent members of the society helped in rehabilitating the slum-dwellers in the city.
Matron: Supervisor or monitor
The hospital matron was very strict with the new nurses.
Paradox: Contradiction
It is a strange paradox that standing is more tiring than walking ,
Realm: Kingdom
The priest lived in an idyllic realm of contentment and self-indulgence.
Throng: A large gathering of people
The crowds thronged the stadium of the rock concert.
Accost: Speak to someone
He was accosted in the street by four men.
Plethora: Extreme excess
There was a plethora of toys in Santa’s bag.
Felon: Someone who has committed a crime.
As a convicted felon he was sent to prison.
Fabricate: Make up something artificial or untrue
He fabricated a lie to save his life.
Gesticulate: Show, express or direct through movement
He gesticulated to call them near.
Vigilant: Carefully observant or attentive.
It was difficult to escape the vigilant eye of the town watch.
Avid: Ardently or excessively desirous
She was an avid reader of literary books.
Enhance: Increase
This condiment will enhance the flavour of the meal.
Jostle: To come in rough contact while moving; push and shove
The passengers jostled each other in the overcrowded train.


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